
The Impeccably Impressive IMPOSSIBLE JONES Store!

Created by Karl Kesel

For All Your IMPOSSIBLE Needs!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's… SURVEYS!
8 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 08:32:13 PM


That's Something New.

Let me say that for once the BackerKit policy of sending out "Smoke Test" surveys to only 5% of the Backers was a LIFESAVER!

As you might know, I left the IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE! Kickstarter open for "LATE PLEDGES." That means if someone missed the campaign by a few minutes, or days… or months… they could still get the book while Late Pledges were open. (They're closed now.)

One of the things you can do with Late Pledges is slightly increase the price of each item, as a way to encourage people to not miss the original deadline. And I did that on a number of rewards… and then forgot all about it.

The problem was that when I imported the Kickstarter data into BackerKit, somehow the LATE PLEDGE prices were used across the board for ALL pledges! And I didn't notice because I assumed the incoming data was correct. As it always has been.

And this time I was wrong.

"Smoke Test" people noticed. And let me know. Thank God!

Luckily, the fix was easy. All the prices are correct now… I think! 

So I'm about to push the "SEND SURVEYS!" button. They should hit your inbox any time.

If there are any problems, please let me know so I can fix them ASAP.

And a reminder: Please answer your survey by FEBRUARY 28 if you want you name on the THANK YOU PAGE.

Because you really do deserve to be thanked. For your support… and your patience as I muddle along.

Surveys Coming!
9 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 09:28:46 AM


The main IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE story is FINISHED! Written, Penciled, Inked, Colored and Lettered— the whole shebang!

PLUS: The EVEN STEVEN story is only waiting on Lettering— which should be in any day.

AND: the bonus PRINCESS/CENTAUR story just needs colors and letters— both of which are well underway.

MEANING: Panic Central is right on schedule to have this book at the printers by the end of the month, and back in our hands some time in April, with Fulfillment starting immediately.

And that means…


For those of you new here, a "survey" is where I collect your mailing address, postage, how you'd like your name listed in the book, etc. Kinda essential stuff. So when you get your BackerKit survey, please respond ASAP.

This is especially true if you'd like to be listed on the THANK YOU PAGE. That will be the last page I put together, on the last day of this month— FEBRUARY 28. if you send in your survey after that, your name can't go in the book because I will have already sent the book to the printer!

It isn't like I can call the printer on March 6th and say "Hey! Jay Schimel just sent his survey in. Yeah, late like always. Be a pal and add his name to the book, okay?" It just doesn't work that way.

The Way BackerKit Surveys Do Work…

…is they have lots of tedious-but-important details and data that I have to enter so that their surveys cover everything and work flawlessly. But just to be sure, a "SMOKE TEST" is first sent out to about 5% of the Backers to double-check that the survey covers everything and works flawlessly.

Then— and only then— may I release the hounds! Meaning: send the Survey to everyone.

That should happen in the next day or two.

Be ready.


One of the bonuses of working with BackerKit is that you pretty much automatically set up an online "store" where anyone can get IMP's various books and assorted swag like T-shirts, posters, enamel pins, etc.

This is especially useful for anyone who missed the IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE Kickstarter, because if they order the IMP 2 LOVE book now, they will still receive it when everyone else does! (Although minus the sweet swag you initial Backers receive.)

Spread the word!

Elsewhere on Kickstarter…



Do I really need to say more? KEITH CHAMPAGNE does some great comics— but this one is flat-out BRILLIANT! So obvious, yet no one has done it! Really, really wish I'd thought of it myself! But at least I get to read it.

And so can you! CLICK HERE and let the evidence speak for itself.

I rest my case.

30 days ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 07:11:01 AM

Yesterday— January 22, 2025, in case you're keeping track— I finished inking the 42-page main IMP story in IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE! Here's one of my favorite panels from that last page:

SPOILER! IMP Survives!

Physically, at least. But what about emotionally? What about her heart? Excellent question. Very astute of you.

You'll just have to read the story to find out.

And you'll be able to do that in two, maybe three months. I haven't decided if I'm going with an overseas printer or not. It all depends on what the tariff situation is when I'm ready to go to press.

And the book isn't ready to go to press yet. Still has to be colored, lettered, and the 6-page EVEN STEVEN story has to be finished, too. David has penciled 3 pages; the other 3 coming my way this week. In fact, here are his pencils for PAGE 1:

After talking to dozens of people about EVEN STEVEN, Margo LaMonde finally gets to meet the enigmatic ES. Of course, her minds floods with questions to ask him, and to show her cascading, chaotic thoughts we decided to do an increasing number or increasing smaller panels of Margo. When the page is finished, she'll be asking different questions in each panel, with even the lettering getting smaller. This is all going on inside her mind, which color will help make clear.

And that's how we make comics!

in other news…


When I added everything together, this book clocked in at 53 pages. That's a problem because the way book-printing works, you need to have a page count divisible by 4. This "forced" me to do two things…


This one by Dandy DEAN HASPIEL, the marvelous mastermind behind CHEST FACE— a guy who was cursed or transformed or something and now has his FACE on his CHEST! And does he use his new abilities to protect and defend a world that fears and hates him? NO! He just wants to be a stand-up comic! 

This inspired insanity was on Kickstarter a while back, the books are now printed, and I'm expecting my copy in the mail pretty soon. I'm not sure how you can get a copy, but you can subscribe to DEAN'S NEWSLETTER HERE.

That brought the page count up to 54 pages. Still not divisible by 4. I could get a couple more pin-ups, but I wanted something a bit more substantial, something that could be a surprise bonus for loyal backers like you. If only I had a 6-page story sitting around…

Waitaminnit. I did have a 6-page story sitting around— !

A couple years back ANDREW CLEMSON— who does the excellent DAMSEL FROM D.I.S.T.R.E.S.S. Kickstarter comic— emailed me, asking if I'd like to write a story for a DAMSEL anthology he was putting together. Before he even finished typing the question, I said "YES!"

I came up with a 6-page story called GIRLS AND HORSES, about a rebellious princess and an outlaw centaur. I reached out to the amazing TINA VALENTINO to draw it, she agreed… and it came out GREAT!

In the meantime, Andrew was given the chance to take DAMSEL in a slightly different direction. Not sure how much I can say about that here, but it's a great opportunity, and I'm sure it'll get DAMSEL in the hands of a lot more soon-to-be-fans.

But it did leave GIRLS AND HORSES kinda up in the air.

Long story short: Andrew said I could run GIRLS AND HORSES in the IMP 2 LOVE book, giving me a nicely-divisible-by-4 60 pages. Hoo-rah!

So there you have it! More Pages! More Pin-Ups! More Stories! At no extra cost to you!


What's Next?

I've had a few questions about SURVEYS. Surveys have NOT gone out yet. I'm looking to have them ready in early February, through BackerKit. This is where I'll collect your mailing address, postage, and how you'd like your name listed on the THANK YOU Page. It's also where you can add on extra books, swag, etc.

Then all you have to do is wait for IMP 2 LOVE to show up in your mailbox, most likely some time in April!

But if that's gonna happen, I better get back to work…

Hello, 2025!
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 06:25:13 AM


David has finished penciling the 42-page main IMP story, and is currently drawing the 6-page EVEN STEVEN back-up.

I have inked up to Page… (looks at pile of art)… Page 33. 9 more pages to go! (Plus the EVEN STEVEN story— which I've already written. Obviously.)

Ryan has colored up through Page 15, and has up through Page 32 in his hands to apply his handsome hues to.

I have not sent any dialogue to Comicraft for lettering yet. I want to finish the inks, then go over the story as a whole, fine tuning things so it reads sharp and smoothly.

Since we're moving into the story's Big Climax, it's hard to show art without spoiling things, but here's the inks for DEMOLITION'S DARK FILE (all handwriting by my lovely and talented wife, Myrna)…

In IMP 2 LOVE you actually learn who's keeping these files on New Hope City's various "Phenomenals" (as they're called).

OH! Almost Forgot!

Remember how we didn't quite reach the Stretch Goal for a 2nd IMP pin-up by a "Mystery Artist"? (Almost like I didn't know who would draw it and was just frantically trying to come up with a Stretch Goal in the campaign's final few minutes? Ha ha ha! Like I would ever do that!) Well, I decided we were close enough for government work, and am proud to announce that Dynamic DEAN HASPIEL— most recently of the Kickstarted (and very cool) comic CHEST FACE fame— is our "Mystery Artist" revealed! Personally, I can't wait to see what Dancin' Dean does with IMP!

If You're Getting a Sketch or Appearing in the Book…

…I will be contacting you directly very soon so those arrangements can be made.

And I believe that's all the news fit to print this time around!

Here's hoping you had a Happy Holiday, and things go better for everyone in 2025 than we could even hope!

Thanks to YOU!
3 months ago – Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 09:42:19 AM


…for supporting this IMPOSSIBLE JONES comic— and to those who continue to support it! (LATE PLEDGES are still open at… in case you know someone who missed all the fun!)
I've always said Kickstarters are like political campaigns— you're trying to spread the word, get as many people to support you as possible— and this time around that was a little too true. It was a real bare-knuckles, think-outside-the-box, see-what-sticks month, and there were times I was convinced I wouldn't raise enough to pay my bills (which is different from raising enough to print the book). But you came through, and got your friends to come through, and because of that— and ONLY because of that— IMP and I are still here, a little battered, but ready and eager to move forward.
You're the BEST!

What's Next?

Kickstarter is collecting your pledge. If there's a problem with your credit card— it's happened to me, believe me!— just update your info ASAP. I think KS gives you about a week to get your payment working, re-trying every few days. But fix it now, that's one less thing for everyone to worry about later.
In about 2 weeks the funds will be transferred to my bank account.
Then I'll reach out to anyone getting the HOLIDAY PANIC BLACK FRIDAY DEALS and mail out their stuff. As I said before: may not reach you before Christmas, but it should be close.


…David and Ryan and Comicraft and I will continue working away, finishing up IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE! The EVEN STEVEN story will slow things by a couple weeks, but we should still be able to hit April fulfillment.
ONE REASON FOR THAT: I will likely print the book in the US. I was leaning towards a Chinese printer— saving me a couple thousand dollars in these tight times, except a month longer to deliver the goods— but with tariffs on the horizon, that savings will probably vanish by the time the book's ready to ship. So I'll go domestic, and the book's turnaround time will be considerably less.
EVEN BETTER: the sooner we get this IMP book in your hands, the sooner we can launch the NEXT one! Except next time we're going to do something a little different, more IMP-adjacent. Here's a hint…

I'll update you with any urgent news and progress reports, but you may not hear from me again until January. In which case…